Don't Believe Anyone


Fundamentally, the drive for expanded presidential authority was about power. Cheney and Addington "viewed power as the absence of restraint, which is why they didn't go to Congress," Jack Goldsmith, a conservative legal scholar and former Justice official, explained. In the days after 9/11, they spoke often of wanting "maximum flexibility." What was lost in this view, however, was any appreciation for the legitimacy in a democracy that stems from winning consensus, including the consent of the governed. Also overlooked was the original reason for checks and balances; they were designed to offset human fallibility.

Jane Mayer, The Dark Side.

"I don't believe anyone any more," Sammy said, sitting strapped in the child care seat in the back of the car. It was a strangely sophisticated thing for a four year old to say.
"Why not?" his father asked. "What makes you say that?"
"I don't know, I just don't," he replied.
"Something must have happened..." but at that point he was distracted by the traffic. And when he thought of some of the lies that those close to him told on a daily basis, it wasn't that surprising a conclusion to reach. All it showed was perception and intelligence. Trust no one, as Mulder was inclined to say. Don't believe a word you're told.

But this level of common sense scepticism has dissolved in the modern era. The world swallowed global warming just like that, just because of a film called The Inconvenient Truth, peddled by a politician for God's sake. He would always remember Al Gore's jet parked at Sydney airport, the ultimate in hypocrisy. While my daughter turns off light bulbs as she moves from room to room, all to save a species and protect a planet, the man most responsible for this hysteria has his US Air Force 747 idling on the tarmac. Why do so many believe such nonsense?

A crotchety old thing, he didn't believe any of the other shibboleths of the age either. Domestic violence hysteria has now got worse, and with the left in control virtually everywhere in the country, only the West Australian state government has now moved back across the line into conservative territory, not that they were any good either, the waves of hysteria have just got worse. Everywhere. Battered women lurk behind every door, with marauding bastards, those evil creatures called men, do everything they can to keep them in servitude. All based on lies. All based on selective choice of statistics. Yet hundreds of millions of dollars, nay billions, get funnelled into the industry. Yet a five minute search finds mountains of documentation to show men and women are equally guilty in their private wars.

Caught on the wrong side of the belief systems that had strangled the country, turned it into a communist state, he kept his mouth shut for fear of appearing reactionary. The party at the block has been escalating; and yesterday, Thursday, pay day he assumed, little gangs kept walking up and down to the pub for another slab of beer. It had never crossed the minds of any of these people to get a job. As they stayed drunk and lapped up the welfare dollar, and spat on the white bastards who had done all this to them, who had taken their land, their dignity, their identity. While some poor bastard had to work in a factory to pay for that slab of beer.

He saw them, the hypocrites, in their comfortably middle class self referencing packs, daring to go to Lakemba to prove for themselves what a wonderful success multiculturalism had been in this city. They would never dare to go alone. Trust no one. Believe no one. And there they were, going on about how wonderfully authentic the shiskebabs were, while in the hidden prayer centres just behind them the jihadists railed against the evils of the west, including multiculturalism itself. If you believe in everything you believe in nothing, they say. But no one asks the original host population, hiding in fear behind their doors, or already having fled. And the wonderful chaos that the city could be, with people from everywhere, was all a dream in an academic's eye.

Bring back scepticism, bring back honesty. Bring back the faith that we all once had, in the state, in the church, in each other. But everything, the city's heart and soul, has been eroded by self interest and the endless lies; and we mopped them up like fools. No wonder so many just wanted to flee. This glorious city was glorious no more.

Yes, global warming "is just propaganda"
by Nigel Calder: Besides being a former editor of New Scientist, Nigel Calder has written three books on climate change. His latest is The Chilling Stars (Icon Books) co-authored with the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark and described by The Times as 'the new totem of the climate-change sceptics'.

Worldwide interest in my quite run-of-the-mill comment, on the need to debate the manmade global warming hypothesis, is pleasing but not surprising. It confirms that my fellow science writers have miscalculated badly. Most readers don't want endless scare stories about climatic doom, accompanied by authoritarian lectures about their carbon footprints. They're hungry for a variety of opinions.

Unfortunately only 1% of the huge number of articles on climate change in the posh London newspapers deviate from the official line of the Intergovernmental Panel. That's not my reckoning. It comes from researchers at Oxford University who complain about the more balanced reporting in the not-so-posh papers, with a deviancy rate of 23%. They say it has 'skewed public understanding of human contributions to climate change'. In other words, kindly abandon the journalistic principle that different points of views should be heard on controversial matters, or else a lot of dreadful people out there (you or me) may not truly believe that climate change is their fault.

Yes, you've got it. Man-made global warming is just propaganda. My father Ritchie Calder was a science writer too, but during the Second World War he played a leading part in Allied propaganda against Nazi Germany. He told me quite a lot about the tricks, employed in what was then a good cause. Now I watch them being used every day by the global wamers.

For example: exaggerate small facts. A brilliant wartime example came when someone in occupied Belgium was chalking V on public walls. He meant V for Vrijheid, or freedom. But London announced that in occupied Europe people were writing V for Victory everywhere. So people listening secretly to the BBC went out and did just that, to annoy the Germans and hearten their neighbours.

The polar bears qualify as a similarly astute exaggeration from the global warming camp. Some years ago, a small family of bears was caught in a violent storm, and drowned. That could have happened a hundred or a thousand years ago. But no, the Disneyesque sob story is put about, by Al Gore and others, that bears are drowning because the Arctic ice is melting. Total rubbish, because the polar bears are thriving. But it's dazzling propaganda.

Another technique is to hush up unfavourable news. In wartime that can mean not informing even the bereaved relatives if an important warship has sunk without the enemy knowing. Again the polar ice provides a modern parallel. Last year you were told – shock, horror! -- that Arctic sea ice was at its lowest extent since satellite measurements began. What went unreported was that Antarctic sea ice was simultaneously at a record high. The collusion of my fellow journalists in the deception is disturbing. Although the big freeze in Antarctica was plainly announced in a press release from the US weather bureau, NOAA, not a single newspaper in North America or Europe carried this unfavourable story.

My Dad's chief opponent was Hitler's propaganda minister Josef Goebbels. Among many meditations on his craft, he wrote, 'The English follow the principle that when you lie, you should lie big, and stick to it.' And of course Goebbels did the same himself – most wickedly in the case of the Jews.

One big lie about climate change is that man-made global warming is proven scientifically. Not so. On the contrary, any objective physicist would say that the evidence is strongly against it. The very mechanism for the supposed greenhouse warming, reinforced by that extra CO2, requires tropical air temperatures to rise faster at high altitudes (6 miles above the ground) than they do lower down. Weather balloons that routinely carry thermometers to those heights and beyond have shown no such trend over recent decades.

That negative result was an important element of what I had in mind when remarking, in my comment last Monday, that the scientific evidence is far stronger for a rival explanation of climate change. It's the discovery that the Sun controls the cosmic rays that help to make the Earth's clouds. The supporting observations and experiments are explained in simple terms by Dr Henrik Svensmark and me in our book The Chilling Stars.

The biggest lie of all, breathtaking in its audacity, is the insistence that mankind's misbehaviour means that global warming is getting worse. The measurements for August 2008 are just in, and they confirm the world is distinctly cooler this year than last. It's fair enough to argue about whether the Earth's temperature has stopped rising, or merely paused, or gone into reverse. But the key fact is that, despite that indisputable increase of CO2 in the air, the Earth is no warmer now than it was 12 years ago.

The slowing economy and financial crisis are testing Europe’s goal of becoming a world leader in greenhouse gas reduction.

Industry has seized on the slowdown to lobby for delayed or watered down regulations, arguing that directives set out by the European Commission earlier this year would force them to cut jobs or relocate factories outside the European Union.

Some politicians also acknowledge that the financial crisis could hinder efforts to forge international agreements on reducing emissions.

“This crisis changes priorities,” Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German foreign minister, last week told a conference on transatlantic climate and energy cooperation in Berlin. “One cannot rule out that interest in protecting the climate will change because of such a crisis.”

On Tuesday the European Parliament’s environmental committee is to vote on measures at the heart of the EU’s commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 per cent by 2020.

Among the proposals are plans to expand emissions trading, accelerate the development of carbon capture and storage and a measure that would ban the construction of power plants that emit more than 350 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour – essentially ruling out coal-fired plants.

The results of the vote, on what is dubbed “Super Tuesday,” will form the basis for negotiations with the EU’s 27 member states. With members of parliament facing re-election in the spring, it is seen as a last chance for Europe to pass meaningful climate legislation before an international summit to renegotiate the Kyoto treaty next year.

“It is very important that the EU is ambitious because the EU will have to be a leader if we want to have an international deal that means something,” said Delia Villagrasa, the EU climate project co-ordinator at the World Wildlife Fund.

However, the economic environment has deteriorated since the Commission first spelled out its climate change proposals in January. Just last week, France confirmed that it had fallen into recession and Spain reported that unemployment had surged past 11 per cent, while governments were forced to bail out banks amid a growing financialcrisis.

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up: Oct. 10, 2008 Print E-mail
Written by The Daily Bayonet

on Oct 9, 2008, 04:23 PM E.S.T.


Welcome to the weekly round-up of all things a growing climate skeptic needs. This week might be more linky than snarky, I reached a personal high of being Snark McSnarky of the Snark People last week, and I'm not quite over it yet.

Lots of good stuff for you this week, and if you've ever read a round-up before, you're going to love this week's return hottie. Don't forget to return up here to read the good stuff after you've gone and had your sneaky early look at her. You're so predictable.
Part One: Al Gore and Friends

Al Gore loves his Nobel Prize almost as much as he loves his Oscar. Too bad the Nobel committee might have broken the rules when they decided to award it to him then. Expect the 'they'll tear this award from my cold, dead hands' speech within the week.

Dodgy strides
Al Gore with his Illegal Award, and a friend in odd trousers

Al loves him some burgers, which means he can't love the planet. Poor Al.

You will recall that Al likes to confuse weather with climate, as long as it fits the alarmist cause. Well, he's done it again, blaming the Iowa floods on AGW. Al says:
"In 66 of your 99 counties, the flood damage was truly historic. No one has ever seen a flood like this."

When asked, Noah was unavailable for comment.

It's election season of course, so Al has been busy raising cash for politicians that hope to be far better at being politicians than Al was. I wonder if that bothers him. No word on whether Al cycles to these events or takes the jet.

US network ABC refused to air a Gore alarmist advertisement. Of course, that means that they are evil, right?

Al likes it when his advice to be green is taken. Michigan was a leader among States in greening its economy. Oh, wait. What economy?

In Canada's election, proof that Greens can be useful; as long as you like the lefty votes being split three ways. Like I do.

Global warming muppet James Hansen isn't a muppet at all. He's a grinch.

David Suzuki does like you. In fact, he's no fan of humans at all. Fair enough; after you, Dr. Suzuki.
Part Two: AGW Scaremongers and Propagandists

Scaremongers have had a very busy week, so this section is packed with more linky goodness than usual. Did you know that penguins are this weeks doomed species? I hope that's not true, they are just so perfect with a chilled white wine.
dressed for disaster

The radical AWG zealot group Plane Stupid (irony alert) have decided that an airport expansion is an act of war. Consequently the Iraq conflict has been re-labeled a civil engineering project.

Avian flu, tick-borne babesia, cholera, ebola, parasites, plague, lyme disease, red tides of algal blooms, Rift Valley fever, sleeping sickness, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Betcha can't guess what causes all those afflictions.

UN chief Ban Ki Moon thinks that global warming is the defining challenge of our era. New York still thinks that getting Moon's people to pay their parking tickets is the defining challenge of their era.

Preferring to live in the dark, useless people in Quebec protest sprucing up a nuclear power station. Let's take their names and unplug these folks first. Please?

Tom Nelson picks on Leo DiCaprio, a man that wants to blow be Al Gore.

Fresh from driving his 4mpg racing car at 200mph, Lewis Hamilton is all for reducing carbon footprints. And he has a jet.

The EU is keen to make sure that its people will have no chance to read at night. Or cook anything, or stay warm, or watch television...

Teaching Al Gore's movie to kids? Just your friendly neighborhood green facsists at work.

Will the Greens please just fade away? We can hope.

Tom Nelson picks on Eric Mortenson, a man that wants to blow be Leo DiCaprio.

Organic food is good for you. Except that it's not.

Lord Stern thinks that going green can save the economy. Lord Lenient was unavailable for comment.

Vaclav Klaus, Czech President says that global warming alarmism is unacceptable and should be confronted. He and I would get along great. I'd call him my Czech mate. (insert groans here)

A comic strip picks on skeptics. I'm hurt.

Would nuclear energy be better accepted if it were called 'terrestial energy'? It's an interesting idea, but relocating all the other energy sources to the moon might be costly.

New Jersey Governor Corzine equates the size of wind turbines in the distance to seeing Lindsay Lohan up close. OK, I made that up, go see what Tom says.

Global warming is just propaganda. See, I told you so.

Farting isn't funny. OK, it is, unless you're a green moron.

Making green cars will save money. Oh, wait.
Sweet greens
Well, it's painted green

Skier goes carbon neutral. Will he walk to the mountain tops from now on?

Greens really are scared of everything. Including 78 year-old retirees using walking sticks.

Part Three: Inconvenient Truths

The green sahara is proof that global warming is a hoax. Says a Sopranos wannabe.

European Aluminium industry may get killed by EU green rules. (Translation for US readers: European Aluminum industry may get killed by EU green rules.)

Scientists agree, it's getting colder. There goes the consensus credibility.

British people agree, global warming scare is media hype.

Lots of money for no return. The inconvenient truth of dealing with global warming.

China says that rich countries are failing to deliver on climate change, rich countries say China is failing to deliver melamine free foods. Impasse reached.

The economy is killing the global warming hoax, proving that there is an upside to watching 25% of your portfolio vanish.

It's cold in Ireland.

Poland, not buying into the global warming hysteria.

It's getting colder.

Wind farms are good for the planet, bad for people.


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