Pack Mentalities and High Farce

Despite all the evidence that the recent warming trend is natural and unstoppable, millions of well-educated people and many respected organisations - and even national governments of major First World nations - are telling us that the Earth's current warming phase is caused by carbon dioxide emitted from power plants and autos and methane from rice paddies and cattle herds. The alarmists say these gases are causing Earth's natural 'greenhouse' to overheat, with deadly effects. They tell us modern society will destroy the planet unless we radically change human energy production and consumption.
They warn that the polar ice caps could melt, raising sea levels and flooding many of the world's most important cities and farming regions. They ask society to renounce most of its use of fossil fuel-generated energy and accept radical reductions in food production, health technologies and standards of living to 'save the planet'...
However the alarmists don't have much evidence to support their greenhouse theory...
Unstoppable Global Warming: Avery & Singer.

It's in the dark and will remain there. No crawling towards the light. Mass hysteria. Alarmism. The absolute worst aspects of the left's pack mentality. All have now come into play. A Newspoll out this week shows the vast majority of the population believe in man made global warming and think Australia should introduce an emissions trading scheme, even if the rest of the world doesn't. We should sacrifice our economy for a moral principle, the so-called great moral challenge of the age.
The great moral challenge of the age would have been to stand up to all the global warming hysteria, but don't hold your breath waiting for the weasels who run this country to tell the population the truth: that there is no definitive proof whatsoever of man-made warming, that Al Gore and irresponsible politicians of his ilk have whipped up hysteria on the subject for a multiplicity of self-interested reasons, including the imposition of socialist constructs over the top of capitalism, stifling and controlling our economies and our cultures.
They have exploited the pack mentality to the hilt. They have exploited the often well intentioned left wing leanings of the nation's teachers. They have ridiculed those who dare to disagree with them. They have isolated and thrown stones at anyone who doesn't think as they do, repeating their own behaviour as bullies in the school yard, picking on the kid who was different. So hysterical has the global warming rubbish become, it infiltrates through our daily news cycle, dominates thousands of dinner conversations. Garnaut's town hall meetings, after the release of his hefty tome, have all the characteristics of religious revival meetings.
And we all fall down, we all fall down, suckers to the last. Abject idiots, we grovel on the ground, waiting to be run over. Nothing could be more ridiculous than the endless predictions of cyclones enveloping our shores, crazy days enveloping our life. We make way for the darkness. We bow and scrape, welcoming the barbarians into our midst. Labor has been so utterly irresponsible on this subject it defies all imagination.
Yet curiously, the global warming hysteria has swept aside all the other crises that were supposedly afflicting us, domestic violence, obesity, drugs. They all seem puny now in contrast to the fate of the planet. Riddled with lies, truth simply doesn't matter to the true believers. They don't care about rigorous honesty. They don't, apparently, care about consequence. They certainly don't seem to care about the long term health of their political parties, and what will happen when the population turns, when the intellectual fads of the moment fade and people start once more to see the light of common sense.
As one of the newspapers warned yesterday, at a time like this there is little that dissenters can do than wait quietly for the tide to pass, for the hysteria to die down. Dishonest questions marred the findings, and of course you can always find what you fund for. Billions of dollars worth of funding are being called for - Garnaut was suggesting something like $100 billion or more in research funds to be poured into the university - just like any other academic peddling the barrows of their own self importance.
But where he varied was in having so much of the population on side, so much of the population believing his often ridiculous pap. Crap. Garbage of the very first order. Computer models which take a string of highly unlikely worst case scenarios are cited as solid scientific predictions. The scientists and statisticians who peddle this garbage don't deny that you can equally get quite positive results from their studies, by simply factoring in a few more realistic measures agricultural production will double, not halve, sea levels won't rise, the sun won't fall in.
How naive are the masses, how badly they've been taken for a ride. And how utterly irresponsible are the politicians taking us all for a stroll in lulu land, the rustling trees and coloured balloons, the Wizard of Oz. God rest our souls. God protect our sanity. Because clearly, no one else will.

Photographs of a Vincent van Gogh poster in a Newtown second hand shop, Sydney, Australia.
Scientists meet in NYC
to challenge Gore, U.N.
Hundreds of experts assert 'alarmists'
in climate debate 'have had their say'
Posted: March 04, 2008
2:28 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
NEW YORK – Global warming is a natural process, not likely the result of human activities, argued more than 100 internationally prominent environmental scientists in papers presented at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, which concluded here today.
The conference, organized by the Heartland Institute, sought to refute the contention promoted by Al Gore and the U.N. that there is an "established scientific consensus" that human beings are causing the earth to warm catastrophically. The event attracted more than 500 people, including scientists, economists, policy experts and members of the public from around the world.
"The purpose of the conference is to provide a platform for the hundreds of scientists, economists, and policy experts who dissent from the so-called 'consensus' on global warming," said Joseph Bast, president of the Chicago-based Heartland Institute. "This is their chance to speak out."
"Is global warming 'An Inconvenient Truth,' as Vice President Al Gore charges, or a 'Global Warming Swindle?' Harriet Johnson, spokeswoman for the Heartland Institute asked in a statement distributed at the start of the three-day conference.
The alarmists in the global warming debate have had their say – over and over again, in every newspaper in the country practically every day and in countless news reports and documentary films," a notice on the Heartland Institute website proclaims. "But they have lost the debate."
Environmental scientist S. Fred Singer kicked off the conference by releasing a report entitled, "Nature, Not Human Activity Rules the Climate," summarizing a three-year international scientific research project conducted by the Nongovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or NIPCC, that Singer headed.
"There are many factors that affect the climate," Singer told WND. "What we can now exclude by scientific evidence is the argument that greenhouse gases are an important factor in causing global warming."
Singer and the NIPCC agree that global warming occurred in the 20th century, but disagree human activity is responsible. He argues instead that natural causes are likely to be the dominant cause of the scientifically observed global warming under discussion.
The NIPCC scientists contend the U.N. agenda "is largely hypothetical and not sustained by observations" driven by complex mathematical models.
The computer models, the NIPCC scientists claim, are only valid in a "virtual computer world," but fail to produce reliable real world predictions that can be empirically verified.
"Computer models undoubtedly have their place as a way of projecting possible consequences when one or more variables are changed," the NIPCC scientists wrote in their newly released report. "However, models do not represent reality, yet the IPCC persists in treating them as if they do."
The newly released NIPCC report presents scientific evidence that solar-wind variability is a primary cause of climate change, a better explanation for 20th century warming than greenhouse gas effects.
Moreover, the NIPCC report argues the IPCC's estimates of future human-generated carbon dioxide emissions are too high and the higher concentrations of carbon dioxide that can be attributed to human activity have been beneficial to plant and animal life.
"Global warming is attributable to natural causes," Singer told WND, "so in that sense global warming is unstoppable, regardless what measures Al Gore or the U.N. want to impose on us with new international governmental regulations."
"Unstoppable Global Warming – Every 1,500 Years" is the title of Singer's New York Times best-selling book, co-authored with Hudson Institute scientist Dennis T. Avery.
Examining geological and historical data, Singer and Avery claim to have established a 1,500 year-cycle that generates warming and cooling of the earth's atmosphere, regardless of the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.
The NIPCC report issued at the New York City conference was written to counter the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, a scientific panel established in 1988 by the U.N. to evaluate the risk of climate change.
The IPCC and Gore and the won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to disseminate their theory about man-made climate change.
The IPCC released a report Nov. 17 in Valencia, Spain, entitled, "Climate Change 2007," arguing "much of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG (greenhouse gas) concentrations."
The U.N. has utilized the IPCC to launch an aggressive agenda, largely supporting the Kyoto Protocol, calling for the establishment of a global response to climate change.
At the core of the U.N. agenda is an array of recommended governmental policies designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, including the creation an international carbon market that imposes economic penalties for non-compliance.
"Al Gore and the U.N. have a fixation with the argument that we cause global warming," Singer said. "Besides that, look at the billions of tax dollars going into various schemes like subsidizing biofuels. We're being charged twice by the global warming alarmists – once in new taxes the U.N. is planning to impose on us and then again as consumers who will ultimately have to bear the cost of these new global taxes."
March 2007 – "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming"
The U.N. recently announced global warming is leading inexorably to global catastrophe. Al Gore won the "best documentary" Oscar for his disaster film "An Inconvenient Truth." The news media beat the drum of "climate catastrophe" daily, all but ignoring scientists who say the threat is overblown or nonexistent. And across America, school children are frightened to death with tales of rising oceans, monster tornadoes, droughts and millions dying – all because of man-made global warming.
However, hidden just beneath the surface of the world's latest environmental craze is a stunningly different reality, as the March edition of WND's acclaimed Whistleblower magazine documents.
Titled "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming," Whistleblower tells the rest of the story the "mainstream press" will never reveal.
To begin with, those who believe the dire warnings of today's establishment press should know, as U.S. Sen. James Inhofe has pointed out, that "for more than 100 years, journalists have quoted scientists predicting the destruction of civilization by, in alternation, either runaway heat or a new Ice Age."
Believe it or not, over the last century America's major media have predicted an impending global climate crisis four different times – each prediction warning that entire countries would be wiped out or that lower crop yields would mean "billions will die." In 1895, the panic was over an imminent ice age. Later, in the late 1920s, when the earth’s surface warmed less than half a degree, the media jumped on a new threat – global warming, which continued into the late 1950s. Then in 1975, the New York Times' headline blared, "A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable." Then in 1981 it was back to global warming, with the Times quoting seven government atmospheric scientists who predicted global warming of an "almost unprecedented magnitude."
Today, to cover all their bases, much of the press is changing its terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" or "climate catastrophe." That way they're covered either way: If the world gets colder, global warming is still at fault.
But hot-and-cold press coverage is just the beginning. Whistleblower's "HYSTERIA" issue reveals exactly why so many scientists, journalists and others (even the president's speechwriters now have him pay lip service to "climate change") are so gripped by global warming fever.
Here's a hint: As "Deep Throat" famously told Washington Post "Watergate" reporter Bob Woodward, "Follow the money."
Whistleblower shows how all the main players – from politicians and scientists to big corporations and the United Nations – benefit from instilling fear into billions of human beings over the unproven theory of man-made global warming. Indeed, just three weeks after the U.N. ratcheted up international fears over global warming, a panel of 18 scientists from 11 countries has now reported to the U.N. that the only thing that can stop catastrophic climate change is a global tax – on greenhouse gas emissions.
That's right. Global problems, real or conjured up, require global governmental solutions. As Whistleblower explains, environmentalism is nothing less than the global elitists' replacement ideology for communism/socialism. With communism largely discredited today – after all, 100-150 million people died at the hands of communist "visionaries" during the last century – elitists who desire to rule other people's lives have gravitated to an even more powerful ideology. More powerful because it seems to trump all other considerations, as it claims the very survival of life on earth is dependent on implementing its agenda.
Thus, while scientists and climatologists who dare to question the rigid orthodoxy of man-made catastrophic global warming are openly ridiculed and threatened with decertification, the movement for global governance, complete with global taxation, is moving into the fast lane.
"Global warming will be one of the most powerfully coercive weapons in the globalists' arsenal for the foreseeable future," said David Kupelian, WND managing editor and author of "The Marketing of Evil." "It's important that everyone understands the game being played. This issue of Whistleblower provides a powerful antidote to all the hysteria – namely, common sense and truth."
Despite all the evidence that the recent warming trend is natural and unstoppable, millions of well-educated people and many respected organisations - and even national governments of major First World nations - are telling us that the Earth's current warming phase is caused by carbon dioxide emitted from power plants and autos and methane from rice paddies and cattle herds. The alarmists say these gases are causing Earth's natural 'greenhouse' to overheat, with deadly effects. They tell us modern society will destroy the planet unless we radically change human energy production and consumption.
They warn that the polar ice caps could melt, raising sea levels and flooding many of the world's most important cities and farming regions. They ask society to renounce most of its use of fossil fuel-generated energy and accept radical reductions in food production, health technologies and standards of living to 'save the planet'...
However the alarmists don't have much evidence to support their greenhouse theory...
Unstoppable Global Warming: Avery & Singer.
It's in the dark and will remain there. No crawling towards the light. Mass hysteria. Alarmism. The absolute worst aspects of the left's pack mentality. All have now come into play. A Newspoll out this week shows the vast majority of the population believe in man made global warming and think Australia should introduce an emissions trading scheme, even if the rest of the world doesn't. We should sacrifice our economy for a moral principle, the so-called great moral challenge of the age.
The great moral challenge of the age would have been to stand up to all the global warming hysteria, but don't hold your breath waiting for the weasels who run this country to tell the population the truth: that there is no definitive proof whatsoever of man-made warming, that Al Gore and irresponsible politicians of his ilk have whipped up hysteria on the subject for a multiplicity of self-interested reasons, including the imposition of socialist constructs over the top of capitalism, stifling and controlling our economies and our cultures.
They have exploited the pack mentality to the hilt. They have exploited the often well intentioned left wing leanings of the nation's teachers. They have ridiculed those who dare to disagree with them. They have isolated and thrown stones at anyone who doesn't think as they do, repeating their own behaviour as bullies in the school yard, picking on the kid who was different. So hysterical has the global warming rubbish become, it infiltrates through our daily news cycle, dominates thousands of dinner conversations. Garnaut's town hall meetings, after the release of his hefty tome, have all the characteristics of religious revival meetings.
And we all fall down, we all fall down, suckers to the last. Abject idiots, we grovel on the ground, waiting to be run over. Nothing could be more ridiculous than the endless predictions of cyclones enveloping our shores, crazy days enveloping our life. We make way for the darkness. We bow and scrape, welcoming the barbarians into our midst. Labor has been so utterly irresponsible on this subject it defies all imagination.
Yet curiously, the global warming hysteria has swept aside all the other crises that were supposedly afflicting us, domestic violence, obesity, drugs. They all seem puny now in contrast to the fate of the planet. Riddled with lies, truth simply doesn't matter to the true believers. They don't care about rigorous honesty. They don't, apparently, care about consequence. They certainly don't seem to care about the long term health of their political parties, and what will happen when the population turns, when the intellectual fads of the moment fade and people start once more to see the light of common sense.
As one of the newspapers warned yesterday, at a time like this there is little that dissenters can do than wait quietly for the tide to pass, for the hysteria to die down. Dishonest questions marred the findings, and of course you can always find what you fund for. Billions of dollars worth of funding are being called for - Garnaut was suggesting something like $100 billion or more in research funds to be poured into the university - just like any other academic peddling the barrows of their own self importance.
But where he varied was in having so much of the population on side, so much of the population believing his often ridiculous pap. Crap. Garbage of the very first order. Computer models which take a string of highly unlikely worst case scenarios are cited as solid scientific predictions. The scientists and statisticians who peddle this garbage don't deny that you can equally get quite positive results from their studies, by simply factoring in a few more realistic measures agricultural production will double, not halve, sea levels won't rise, the sun won't fall in.
How naive are the masses, how badly they've been taken for a ride. And how utterly irresponsible are the politicians taking us all for a stroll in lulu land, the rustling trees and coloured balloons, the Wizard of Oz. God rest our souls. God protect our sanity. Because clearly, no one else will.
Photographs of a Vincent van Gogh poster in a Newtown second hand shop, Sydney, Australia.
Scientists meet in NYC
to challenge Gore, U.N.
Hundreds of experts assert 'alarmists'
in climate debate 'have had their say'
Posted: March 04, 2008
2:28 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
NEW YORK – Global warming is a natural process, not likely the result of human activities, argued more than 100 internationally prominent environmental scientists in papers presented at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, which concluded here today.
The conference, organized by the Heartland Institute, sought to refute the contention promoted by Al Gore and the U.N. that there is an "established scientific consensus" that human beings are causing the earth to warm catastrophically. The event attracted more than 500 people, including scientists, economists, policy experts and members of the public from around the world.
"The purpose of the conference is to provide a platform for the hundreds of scientists, economists, and policy experts who dissent from the so-called 'consensus' on global warming," said Joseph Bast, president of the Chicago-based Heartland Institute. "This is their chance to speak out."
"Is global warming 'An Inconvenient Truth,' as Vice President Al Gore charges, or a 'Global Warming Swindle?' Harriet Johnson, spokeswoman for the Heartland Institute asked in a statement distributed at the start of the three-day conference.
The alarmists in the global warming debate have had their say – over and over again, in every newspaper in the country practically every day and in countless news reports and documentary films," a notice on the Heartland Institute website proclaims. "But they have lost the debate."
Environmental scientist S. Fred Singer kicked off the conference by releasing a report entitled, "Nature, Not Human Activity Rules the Climate," summarizing a three-year international scientific research project conducted by the Nongovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or NIPCC, that Singer headed.
"There are many factors that affect the climate," Singer told WND. "What we can now exclude by scientific evidence is the argument that greenhouse gases are an important factor in causing global warming."
Singer and the NIPCC agree that global warming occurred in the 20th century, but disagree human activity is responsible. He argues instead that natural causes are likely to be the dominant cause of the scientifically observed global warming under discussion.
The NIPCC scientists contend the U.N. agenda "is largely hypothetical and not sustained by observations" driven by complex mathematical models.
The computer models, the NIPCC scientists claim, are only valid in a "virtual computer world," but fail to produce reliable real world predictions that can be empirically verified.
"Computer models undoubtedly have their place as a way of projecting possible consequences when one or more variables are changed," the NIPCC scientists wrote in their newly released report. "However, models do not represent reality, yet the IPCC persists in treating them as if they do."
The newly released NIPCC report presents scientific evidence that solar-wind variability is a primary cause of climate change, a better explanation for 20th century warming than greenhouse gas effects.
Moreover, the NIPCC report argues the IPCC's estimates of future human-generated carbon dioxide emissions are too high and the higher concentrations of carbon dioxide that can be attributed to human activity have been beneficial to plant and animal life.
"Global warming is attributable to natural causes," Singer told WND, "so in that sense global warming is unstoppable, regardless what measures Al Gore or the U.N. want to impose on us with new international governmental regulations."
"Unstoppable Global Warming – Every 1,500 Years" is the title of Singer's New York Times best-selling book, co-authored with Hudson Institute scientist Dennis T. Avery.
Examining geological and historical data, Singer and Avery claim to have established a 1,500 year-cycle that generates warming and cooling of the earth's atmosphere, regardless of the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.
The NIPCC report issued at the New York City conference was written to counter the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, a scientific panel established in 1988 by the U.N. to evaluate the risk of climate change.
The IPCC and Gore and the won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to disseminate their theory about man-made climate change.
The IPCC released a report Nov. 17 in Valencia, Spain, entitled, "Climate Change 2007," arguing "much of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG (greenhouse gas) concentrations."
The U.N. has utilized the IPCC to launch an aggressive agenda, largely supporting the Kyoto Protocol, calling for the establishment of a global response to climate change.
At the core of the U.N. agenda is an array of recommended governmental policies designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, including the creation an international carbon market that imposes economic penalties for non-compliance.
"Al Gore and the U.N. have a fixation with the argument that we cause global warming," Singer said. "Besides that, look at the billions of tax dollars going into various schemes like subsidizing biofuels. We're being charged twice by the global warming alarmists – once in new taxes the U.N. is planning to impose on us and then again as consumers who will ultimately have to bear the cost of these new global taxes."
March 2007 – "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming"
The U.N. recently announced global warming is leading inexorably to global catastrophe. Al Gore won the "best documentary" Oscar for his disaster film "An Inconvenient Truth." The news media beat the drum of "climate catastrophe" daily, all but ignoring scientists who say the threat is overblown or nonexistent. And across America, school children are frightened to death with tales of rising oceans, monster tornadoes, droughts and millions dying – all because of man-made global warming.
However, hidden just beneath the surface of the world's latest environmental craze is a stunningly different reality, as the March edition of WND's acclaimed Whistleblower magazine documents.
Titled "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming," Whistleblower tells the rest of the story the "mainstream press" will never reveal.
To begin with, those who believe the dire warnings of today's establishment press should know, as U.S. Sen. James Inhofe has pointed out, that "for more than 100 years, journalists have quoted scientists predicting the destruction of civilization by, in alternation, either runaway heat or a new Ice Age."
Believe it or not, over the last century America's major media have predicted an impending global climate crisis four different times – each prediction warning that entire countries would be wiped out or that lower crop yields would mean "billions will die." In 1895, the panic was over an imminent ice age. Later, in the late 1920s, when the earth’s surface warmed less than half a degree, the media jumped on a new threat – global warming, which continued into the late 1950s. Then in 1975, the New York Times' headline blared, "A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable." Then in 1981 it was back to global warming, with the Times quoting seven government atmospheric scientists who predicted global warming of an "almost unprecedented magnitude."
Today, to cover all their bases, much of the press is changing its terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" or "climate catastrophe." That way they're covered either way: If the world gets colder, global warming is still at fault.
But hot-and-cold press coverage is just the beginning. Whistleblower's "HYSTERIA" issue reveals exactly why so many scientists, journalists and others (even the president's speechwriters now have him pay lip service to "climate change") are so gripped by global warming fever.
Here's a hint: As "Deep Throat" famously told Washington Post "Watergate" reporter Bob Woodward, "Follow the money."
Whistleblower shows how all the main players – from politicians and scientists to big corporations and the United Nations – benefit from instilling fear into billions of human beings over the unproven theory of man-made global warming. Indeed, just three weeks after the U.N. ratcheted up international fears over global warming, a panel of 18 scientists from 11 countries has now reported to the U.N. that the only thing that can stop catastrophic climate change is a global tax – on greenhouse gas emissions.
That's right. Global problems, real or conjured up, require global governmental solutions. As Whistleblower explains, environmentalism is nothing less than the global elitists' replacement ideology for communism/socialism. With communism largely discredited today – after all, 100-150 million people died at the hands of communist "visionaries" during the last century – elitists who desire to rule other people's lives have gravitated to an even more powerful ideology. More powerful because it seems to trump all other considerations, as it claims the very survival of life on earth is dependent on implementing its agenda.
Thus, while scientists and climatologists who dare to question the rigid orthodoxy of man-made catastrophic global warming are openly ridiculed and threatened with decertification, the movement for global governance, complete with global taxation, is moving into the fast lane.
"Global warming will be one of the most powerfully coercive weapons in the globalists' arsenal for the foreseeable future," said David Kupelian, WND managing editor and author of "The Marketing of Evil." "It's important that everyone understands the game being played. This issue of Whistleblower provides a powerful antidote to all the hysteria – namely, common sense and truth."